If You Don’t Know How Much To Save, You Won’t Save Enough

Let us use saving for retirement as an example. The first thing you would want to know is the amount you would spend in the first year of your retirement. You’d then want to inflation-adjust that amount each year through retirement. You’d then want to know how long retirement will last. A 100-year life expectancyContinue reading “If You Don’t Know How Much To Save, You Won’t Save Enough”

Kids & Money

There is seldom a parent who hasn’t gone through the tantrum-throwing phase of their kids’ lives. You walk into a store; your kid sees a toy and she must have it. The moment you say no and the next thing you see her rolling on the floor. I went through that phase as well. WhenContinue reading “Kids & Money”

Bridging The Gaps

President Dwight D. Eisenhower was once quoted as saying that in preparing for a battle, I have found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable. There is no perfect plan because change is the only constant. But that does not mean we do not plan. I like simplicity which means that that 50-page binderContinue reading “Bridging The Gaps”