Investing Is Hard

Warren Buffett says that investing is simple but not easy. Let us reconcile these two data points from two different news sources at the onset of COVID. The US economy lost 20.5 million jobs in April, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said Friday — by far the most sudden and largest decline since the government began tracking theContinue reading “Investing Is Hard”

Recency Bias

Americans afraid of flying overwhelmingly took to the nation’s highways in the immediate aftermath of the September 11 terrorist attacks. But flying as we know is much, much safer than driving can ever be. Our odds of getting killed in a plane crash – one in a million. Our chances of dying in a carContinue reading “Recency Bias”

Gold Is Not An Investment

Before the Great Depression of 1929, the United States experienced a mini, almost forgotten depression towards the tail-end of World War 1 (1920-1921). That mini depression was partly caused by the government slashing its expenses to balance its budget considering the wartime debt the country took on. That plus rapidly rising prices brought upon byContinue reading “Gold Is Not An Investment”

Hardwired To Be Screwed

Gary Smith in his book, Standard Deviations talks about the evolution of peppered moths, usually found in nature as light-colored creatures. But that was not always the case. A trickle of dark-colored moths started appearing in 1848 England but by 1895, ninety-eight percent of the peppered moths found there were dark-colored. But by the 1950s, the pendulum startedContinue reading “Hardwired To Be Screwed”