The best way to think through an idea is to write about it. Writing structures our thinking and what we think refreshes us — with meaning and purpose.
Saleem Rana
I write for the families we serve to keep them invested in their plans.
I write to put them at ease, that their savings are invested like how a pension plan would invest – long-term, risk-optimized, goal-oriented.
I write for the prospective client families to help them decide if we are a good fit for them. Because imagine having someone handle your life savings without knowing where they stand on how this is done.
The fairer sex, since time immemorial, have tended to cede control on most things money to their male counterparts. That is changing but not enough is done yet. I write for the wives, the daughters and the mothers out there, to help empower them in the smallest possible way I can.
Thank you!!