Truly Tax Free

What if there was an account to which you can contribute money to before tax, invest and let the money grow tax-free and then spend that money tax-free? This looks like a fantasy setup but it is not, and you should know about it. Consumer-Directed Health Plans (CDHP) combine a High-Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) withContinue reading “Truly Tax Free”

Creative Destruction

Up until the 1890s, horses and buggies ruled the land. There were incremental innovations within that ecosystem but nothing transformative. Then Henry Ford came along with the Model-T car and the buggies were history. Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press in the 1450s drove the manuscript writers out of business. I mean before that, you’d have armiesContinue reading “Creative Destruction”

Freeze Your Credit

Your identity will never be stolen – until it does. And once your thing is out there, it’s a mess. You thought you cleaned it up and then it pops up again. Millions fall victim to identity theft. You don’t want to be them. And we can get insurance against identity theft using precautionary measuresContinue reading “Freeze Your Credit”