Bridging The Gaps

President Dwight D. Eisenhower was once quoted as saying that in preparing for a battle, I have found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable. There is no perfect plan because change is the only constant. But that does not mean we do not plan. I like simplicity which means that that 50-page binderContinue reading “Bridging The Gaps”

Adding Fuel To Fire

Mary Hunt profiles three types of people in her book 7 Money Rules for Life on how they handle money and how it impacts their well-being and happiness. So, say they all made the same kind of incomes since they started working… Nothing spectacular. Their paychecks rose as the cost of living (inflation) rose. But a bigContinue reading “Adding Fuel To Fire”

Your Retirement Number

William P. Bengen, an aeronautical engineer turned financial advisor, first articulated the 4 percent safe withdrawal rule in a 1994 paper in the Journal of Financial Planning. But to his dismay, that rule transpired to become a widely used hack to guesstimate one’s retirement number. Though more a rule of thumb than a rule, itContinue reading “Your Retirement Number”

The Three-Legged Stool

Post-World War II retirement planning was easy. We had pensions. There was income from Social Security. And we had our own savings. Those three things made up for a sturdy three-legged stool that took us though a worry-free retirement. Pensions have all but gone the way of the dodo bird. The Social Security situation isContinue reading “The Three-Legged Stool”

The Magnificent Seven

Bank of America strategist Michael Hartnett coined the term “The Magnificent Seven” or Mag 7 for a group of stocks that have come to dominate the stock market lately1. These stocks are Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet, Amazon, Nvidia, Tesla and Meta. Markets are long-term efficient but sometimes they can get short-term nutty. I feel some ofContinue reading “The Magnificent Seven”

The More Complex Your Investments, The More Likely They’ll Blow Up

Robert Stock earned a bachelor’s degree in physics from Princeton university and a doctorate from Carnegie Mellon. He spent nine years working as a researcher in the Directed Energy Group at MIT’s Lincoln lab where he performed simulations of high-energy laser systems for missile defense. He later switched careers to money management and ran theContinue reading “The More Complex Your Investments, The More Likely They’ll Blow Up”