Pascal’s Wager

My first exposure to a stock market boom and bust cycle was back home in India in the early 1990s in what was deemed the ‘Harshad Mehta’ scam. It was a classic pump and dump scheme that was financed by fake bank receipts which Mr. Mehta’s firm brokered in transactions between banks. He used theContinue reading “Pascal’s Wager”


Reserves as in safe. Reserves as in accessible. Reserves as in durable. There is nothing safer than cash. There is nothing more accessible than cash. And if done right, there is nothing more durable than cash. And by done right means that the quantity of reserves matches the duration required of those reserves. For most,Continue reading “Reserves”

Yield Curves

Say someone you know is running short on funds and comes to you for a loan that he promises to pay back in a month. Will you lend him the money? And if so, would you do it for free? You’d say why not. You have loaned him money before and without fail, he paysContinue reading “Yield Curves”


A wise woman once said that when in doubt, zoom out. So zoom out I did. This is what a 40-year chart of Dow Jones Industrial Average looks like… Add in reinvested dividends and we are looking at an easy double of that. Or if you want to get exotic, here is what the IndianContinue reading “Perspectives”